What people are saying about their Dance Free experience

“What an amazing, sensational experience…the opportunity to let go and dance freely (in nature), gave space with no limitations, expectations, or judgment; it was truly liberating.

The sound track was brilliant and a very effective delivery via the headset, as it really personalised the experience for me, I felt like I was in a soft bubble.

People were around me, but felt no pressure to engage, but encouraged via joyful smiles. Recommend wholeheartedly.” ~ Rebecca

“I felt the power of wind. inhale was like a charge of power and when exhaling wind was taking the stresses away.

I felt so alive and relaxed after the session.” ~ Mari

“Thank you for the beautiful dance experience on the beach this morning.

I can't tell you how profound and meaningful it was for me. I absolutely loved it.

One of the biggest thrills was seeing 60 people of all sorts coming together and finding a place where they could comfortably be and express themselves.

That feels very powerful and necessary in these times of us drawing back together in love and compassion. "

““Wow! I did my first beach dance yesterday and can honestly say it was one of the best things I've ever done…

For a group of strangers to meet on a beach in the middle of winter and dance happily away it was just such a simple but totally uplifting experience that I would totally recommend, especially if you feel like you need to raise your spirits.

It encapsulated everything that I adore: nature, fresh air, sunshine, bare feet on the sand, dancing, friendly, interesting people, exercise…

I can't wait for the next event! "”

Heart-shaped word cloud with words like love, freedom, uplifting, calm, and happy.
  • “My first experience of dance free was a moonlight dance in the Woods…. Was I nervous? Was I worried I wasn’t going to fit in? Was I worried about what to wear? Was I worried about other people’s reactions to me ? Yes to all of the above….. fast forward 2hrs …. The experience from start to finish was amazing ….. I’ve never been so welcomed by such a diverse community…… a group of unique people dancing their own dance to the rhythm and the beat of some carefully selected music…. Hannah facilitated beautifully with such positivity and I felt an overwhelming sense of belonging from the start. I could feel my body slowly giving way to the music and the tensions and stresses of the day being released from top to toe …. I cannot wait to do it again."

  • 'I really felt a little nervous going to my first free dance in the woods. When I arrived it was such a lovely welcome from Hannah and lots of smiling faces . We didn’t have far to walk, then had a few minutes introduction to each other before discussing the equipment with guidance on the headsets. Then the music was perfect and we were all in our own world arms free , bodies swaying to all the different pieces played., great sound track with a perfect variety to flow to or speed up to. I have never enjoyed dancing as much , so invigorating and we were all beaming afterwards. I have since been twice to the beach which was absolutely amazing, watching the clouds and the sea , closing my eyes and feeling the sea air on my skin. The music tracks were perfect! Highly recommend and can’t wait to go again.' Thank you Hannah. Such joyful experiences.'

  • “Dance free is such a lovely safe space connecting people with uplifting vibrations dancing outside in nature. Releasing all stress , tension and freeing blocked energy while connecting to the music through headphones and connecting to the body and moving it in a free style way, being fully present in the moment. "

  • 'My first, and certainly not last, experience of Dance free was awesome. Hannah has the most welcoming and kindly manner that immediately makes you feel at ease. Dancing to fabulous deeply rhythmical music under the stars was both fun and freeing . Go for it'

  • ‘I learnt a beautiful ‘something’ during Dance Free classes. This something is a skill which grows with every class. I’m learning how to let go and be a happier person. The art of letting go is one of the most important skills to get us through life. Learning it through dancing is the most amazing and enjoyable experience. I would recommend this class to everyone.’

  • ‘The connections we have made during and after have been so valuable to my mental wellbeing as we start connecting again after lockdown restrictions which has been so tough….Dancing together brings us smiles, laughter and deepened connections. They are a delight, fun and truly experiential and sensory experiences’

  • ‘This experience was a wonderful way to release tension and emotions, feel connected with others again, and be joyful, heal and be free without judgement, expectations or worry.’

  • ‘What an energised magical experience to be one with your body to dance in the woods like no one is watching.’

  • It was such a transformational and revitalising experience.

  • ‘I met Hannah a little while ago at the Wellbeing Show Lincoln promoting her Dance-Free events. I was instantly drawn to Hannah's friendly personality and happy attitude to Life. All throughout my Life from early childhood I have known that dancing and moving to the beat and rhythms of music "simply makes me Happy" - every time ! and with that, my body, my mind are kept positively active and healthy... Now, especially after a year of special challenges for all of us, to find Hannah and her Dance-Free movement is a blessing. Dancing outside in Nature, in the woods amongst the trees, on the beach, with like minded people of all ages, making new friends. There are no judgements, nothing to learn, other than - to let go. No matter if you can or cannot dance, put on your personal headphones and actively experience the different sounds of music, soon you cannot help but sway your arms, taking little dance steps on the ground. It is up to you if you want to stay with the group or wander off and find your own private space, you are safe and free to explore your own experience as you wish . Dancing-free to music with Hannah's guidance naturally releases stuck and stale energies replacing it with a happier feeling and a big smile. Thank you Hannah for making this happen for me.’

  • ‘I came across this Group via a friend, we are both on a journey of new experiences, self love and self worth, letting go of all negativity in our lives, being outdoors with Mother Nature is a real cathartic emotion, you feel the earth beneath your feet, the wind on your skin, the sounds of singing birds, and whistling of trees , it’s peaceful, and grounding, and then there is the beach, the soft sand the crashing of waves, the salty air, the space all around you, it’s so freeing. Music is my Therapy, for every emotion, so combining the two, well I could not try. Going with a friend definitely helps with the “first time” nerves, but in all honesty, everyone who you meet shares the same passion, and wants the same experience as you. I have BPD and EUPD, I don’t broadcast it and it does not define me, but since I have started going to these Free Dance sessions with Hannah, I have literally cried with happiness, been so much calmer, re connected with myself, and met some beautiful people, from all walks of life, all ages, all sizes, all sexes, it is not a discriminatory group but an open arms let’s dance and shake out the stresses and worries, we are all there for the same reason group. You can stand in one spot, or move around, the range on the Headphones is amazing, so you can be private or with your friend holding hands, feeling every beat as you express your inner feelings. Hannah is undoubtedly a first class Mentor , softly spoken with a beautiful aura about her that automatically draws you to her and you feel completely at ease. I have introduced a few friends, whom have fallen in love with the experience, and now more wish to join, I would 100% recommend anyone to try this. If it sounds like your thing!!! Be brave, take a leap of faith , as I did, and let it all out, and Mother Nature will do the rest.’

  • 'I joined Hannah for my first dance free on the beach. Naturally I was apprehensive but was immediately met by Hannah and the rest of the group with warmth. I've always enjoyed music and dancing but today was more about losing my inhibitions. I started by closing my eyes like Hannah suggested and feel the music and rely on my senses. I started to sway to the beat and move as the music took me on a journey. When the drum song came on, Hannah advised us to shake it out. I did just that, shaking my hips, arms and hands. Starting slowly building up to the beat of the drum. By the time the song finished I felt relaxed, all the tension in my neck and shoulders was gone. The next song began and I started to dance again. Feeling the wind on my face and the sea air I breathed it in deep, filling my lungs. I found myself smiling to myself. I opened my eyes and looked down at the beach. I felt exhilarated, euphoric. A sense of achievement. I was actually doing this and loving it. My movement in dance became more free and expressive. Dancing up and down the beach like I was the only one there. Swaying, bouncing, arms outstretched, twirling round you name it I did it. The whole experience was hugely liberating and I can't wait to do it again.’

  • ‘I recommend dance free to everyone, Hannah is a lovely lady, very welcoming. She really makes you feel part of the group and at ease. Dance free is a great way to help you relax after a hard day's work, stress relief or if you just love to dance. I suffer with anxiety and I was really anxious on my first day, but I was so happy I went as I felt so relaxed and happy when the session finished. My anxiety levels dropped. It was amazing. If you struggle with anxiety, stress, depression or anything I highly recommend this ’

  • ‘I did the beach session a few weeks ago and it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had . I admit to being super nervous about going as I wasn’t sure if I could dance with people i didn’t know in that setting - but I didn’t need to worry . Hannah puts your straight at ease and you can dance with others or go off on your own so no pressure . I’d recommend to anyone and I felt amazing afterwards’

  • ‘I then closed my eyes and started to dance freely and calmly to the music that was playing. I do love the feel of dancing as I think/ feel it’s one of the best ways to express movement. But in the woods around nature I felt so much more. I remember thinking that everything is moving flowing energy....the micro cells in my body ..the trees ...air ..everything.’

  • I’d say Dance free has allowed me to express myself and shake of my negativity in a better way than I’ve been use too. I feel clear and free in my thoughts and the excess energy my ADHD gives me is somewhat used up. It’s rare for my head not to be completely full of thoughts but dancing in a group, but at the same time on my own, allows me to be clear and free of of business and stress. I absolutely love it!’

  • ‘Since the first dance, I have attended the class each week. Each time it was different. I was learning more. Discovering more. I started to feel more and more comfortable, confident and relaxed. My self-esteem improved so much. My creativity increased. I would recommend these classes, something similar or simply dancing to everyone. Sometimes it only takes a little bit of curiosity, courage and getting out of our comfort zones, to make a beautiful change in our lives. Dance. Be free. Feel the music. Be in nature. Observe your thoughts. Find calmness and be happy!’

  • You don’t have to have the experience of, ‘I am dancing, you ARE the dance. Until you have had the adventure that is Dance Free in Nature you might not quite get this. Find your courage and book a place. Don’t let the fear of judgement hold you back. This is a safe space for you to start your journey, whatever that may mean to you.’

  • ‘I had a wonderful experience dancing with Dance Free. Hannah was so welcoming. It's easy to feel self conscious when dancing but there is no judgement here, just a place to express yourself through movement in whatever way feels right in the moment.’ Item

  • I have also attended the Dance free in nature and found it incredibly uplifting and enabling me to go past my Ego that has very often stopped me connecting with my true self, I cannot recommend this enough and Hannah is an amazing facilitator with such beautiful reassuring energy.'

  • ‘Free dancing in the woods, expanded all of my senses and awoke new perceptions of my day to day life, my body and my mind’

  • ‘Inspirational, Liberating, Blissful, Connective and Emotional. I was dancing with nature herself’

  • I felt great afterwards, uplifted, free of tension and a connection to the group.’

  • ‘Feeling free gives you gratitude and strength to do the next right thing’

  • ‘Dancing connects me back to my body and reminds me of what’s important in life’

  • Dance free is such a lovely safe space connecting people with uplifting vibrations dancing outside in nature. Releasing all stress , tension and freeing blocked energy while connecting to the music through headphones and connecting to the body and moving it in a free style way, being fully present in the moment.

  • What Hannah gave us was extraordinary. She made and held an entirely safe space, to experience the coast, and nature and ourselves in an entirely different way. She gave us permission to play, to be exuberant, and to respond to one another. The music was amazing, brilliantly chosen, right up my street and fabulously paced. I thought the boundaries of the experience were excellent. You don’t get loads of good Opportunities for dancing when you’re 55! I was a bit nervous about doing this on my own, but the welcome I received couldn’t have been warmer or kinder from both Hannah and the other members of the group. My son said I look great when I got home: my skin was glowing my eyes were bright and I was chill!

  • An amazing experience that I recommend everyone should try at least once. Hannah makes you feel at ease and the music takes you on a journey. I was apprehensive at first at my ability to be able to let my self go. The beach environment was the perfect place for me. Feeling the sand beneath my feet and looking out to sea I soon fell at ease and my movement became free. A completely exhilarating and euphoric experience.

  • On Sunday I got to dance with the amazing Dance Free at the beautiful Swanholme Park Every single thing about dancing in nature feel incredible. A community of beautiful souls coming together to get high off their own supply, movement, music and nature! Moving your body, dancing, connecting with people and nature whilst not giving any care to what passers by think is exhilarating for the soul! Not only was I bursting at the seams with ecstatic energy I also burnt over 700kcals according to my watch. I’d really urge anyone who’s seeking something different, more movement, more connection or help with their mental health to try just one session for free with Hannah Green. Hannah’s energy is completely infectious and she facilitates a really safe and fun environment and not to mention a banging playlist. Not only were all 12 of us smiling from ear to ear so was everyone walking past. Movement Medicine

  • We shared laughter, movement, and many joyful experiences which were great for my soul I was able to connect to my inner free child as I splashed in the sea, danced on the beach, laughed at my feet sinking in the wet sand, felt the beautiful sunshine on my skin and constantly found myself spinning around in the sea breeze It was incredibly freeing and there is no better way of letting go of stress built up in the body.