Dance Free & One You Lincolnshire
Free-movement Dance in the Park
In Autumn 2022 Dance Free ran a 10 week programme of free-movement dance sessions in Hartsholme Park, Lincoln as part of the One You Lincolnshire’s healthy lifestyle service.
The sessions have proved a great success in bringing an enjoyable activity to people who have been experiencing challenges with their mental and/or physical health. Participants have found increased confidence, positivity, better coping mechanisms for life, improved sense of well-being and feelings of social connectivity. Read personal descriptions below…
A video clip of the group enjoying a dance. Music by Afro Medusa - Pasilda - Knee Deep Remix 🎶
‘And so our 10 week Free Movement Dance in the Woods comes to an end and what a totally wonderful , liberating ,life changing experience it has been.
When I first came to the group I as very anxious and nervous and my general mental health had been suffering . From the onset I felt very welcomed by Hannah and the other wonderful people into this warm , supportive and safe group.
Once the dancing started my worries and anxiety disappeared. I was in my own zone, in my own space with no expectations or judgement, i felt free and energised, just letting go and being in such a beautiful place connecting with nature , Euphoric! The experience made me feel so happy and at peace with the world , something i haven’t experienced in a long time .
I have really looked forward to our dance every week , and we have watched the seasons change , the sheer beauty of the woodland is so healing . The energy and well being i felt after the dance would carry through the next few days.
As the weeks have gone by i have bought more and more dance into my daily routine, if i have been struggling a bit i know that dancing it out brings positivity and feelings of wellbeing and i intend to continue to do this.
My mental and physical health and confidence have improved enormously . I feel that dance has helped me move forward in my life , its a life changing journey that i have begun, and i have made such wonderful friends along the way ,, I have felt such happiness and freedom through doing this and my path is now brighter and so much more positive .The difference in me from the beginning to the end of the programme has been enormous and all good .
Hannah you have created something so special ,the music we dance to is always uplifting and amazing, the whole experience is so healing . Thank you so much for literally changing my life . I am so so grateful ‘ - Kim
What participants say….
Below personal experiences of the programme and how it has impacted mental and physical wellbeing
- throughout the 10 weeks and for their future…
The bonding and motivation of the group encouraged group members to attend the outdoor dance sessions, including on rainy days. Several reported they wouldn’t normally get out of bed in the morning due to chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety however because they enjoyed the sessions and had bonded to the group, they attended - knowing they would feel better once they had just got to the park.
The group are now regularly dancing at home and in their gardens as part of their week, and are continuing to motivate each other together with ideas on dancing at home.
Dance Free will be running a new programme in Hartsholme Park, Lincoln in Lincoln during Spring 2025.
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‘After a little apprehension about dancing outdoors in Autumn on the first week, I was surprised how warm I was & barely noticed the cold & Wintry days.
My mind & body would be took over by such happy & free feelings, nothing else mattered.
These weekly sessions have motivated me getting on my bike, getting outdoors & being with others, as well as the amazing movement of my body. All of which, I would often struggle with week to week.
I am honestly grateful beyond words, as to what this group & the people in it has brought me.
Personally, after a challenging year with physical & mental health, I was in a very wobbly, vulnerable place at the start of this course. Some days, it took more pushing of myself to actually turn up, but the unique uplifting freedom I feel in my body keeps me turning up every time.
One particular session, I was in a dark low mood, and life had felt overwhelming for a couple of days prior. I couldn't contain my tears & emotions, which was fine & OK because the girls recognised this & held me & gave me space to let it out. This release turned into a mini panic attack, catching my breathe. Once I'd released these built up trapped emotions, I danced it out some more for the next hour & shifted some of that negative energy.
I will always remember this precious time with beautiful people moving in nature. Thank you to all of you and long may it continue xx
Forever dancing free ‘ C, Age 43
‘I have struggled for many years to find something that I enjoy and which would help with my physical and mental health, until I received a call from OYL which talked about what I might be interested in based on my online interests. Well when they mentioned 'free dance' I was all in and haven't looked back since.
Free dance has allowed me to meet a lovely group of like minded people and whilst you are connected as a group you are very much in your own space when dancing which allows you to connect with nature and be free in your body mind and soul with no judgement.
I will be going to dance free events when I can but have also put together my own playlist and will make time to dance outside at home as much as I can.
I can truly say that I never thought dance free would help so much but it really has and I can only look forward to a future of free dance.’ - Jane 63
‘I loved all the sessions I attended. It made me feel happy. Just to meet the other girls was wonderful.’ - Barbara
‘I was intrigued when offered the chance to take part of a 10 week free dancing every Tuesday at the beautiful Hartsholme woods.
In the past I have tried so many medication’s over years which didn’t help relentless pain. I absolutely love nature so dancing outdoors was a new natural way of gently moving at our own pace.
At first was extremely shy to meet complete strangers at the first dance.Immediately felt comfortable we were all their for different reasons. A fantastic way for all of us to enjoy the fresh air being in the moment singularly and also aware of each other. Once a week for the 10 weeks became a joy. All of us could be honest with our own challenges.S upporting one another was great too. Freedom and no judgments was refreshing.
Every week I’d become less shy and connect with the group. Dancing was bliss despite achy hips/back and neck. It taught me to listen to my body and take it carefully. An hour of pure love de-stressing and connecting with the others smiling basically lifted our spirits. Outdoor dancing is amazing and over the 10 weeks we’ve danced in our own homes - it’s contagious.
All of us will miss Hannah’s weekly dance however we have decided to get together ourselves and carry on dancing.
The reaction from dog walkers etc whilst dancing was lovely, they would smile and join in for a moment.
I’ve always loved dancing and so glad at 56 I shall carry on and spread the love.’ - Sam
‘When I first started free-movement dance with Hannah, it was for exercise purposes. I am a mum of 3 young children and just don’t seem to have a spare second for myself. I have recently gone back to work 3 days a week, after almost 3 yrs of being off. I walk to and from school 2 days a week but that is it. No other form of exercise. So I needed something to fit in with my busy life but that also motivated me.
We suffered a huge family tragedy in 2020 when my 2 yr old was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Everything stopped. Life as we knew it had been chewed up and spat out.
This dance-programme was a way to help kick start a new chapter of healthier living for me -after a gruelling time looking after everyone else other than myself.
In the very beginning of the programme, I felt shy and self-conscious. I danced and enjoyed it but felt nervous of being outside in a public space. As the weeks went on, I began to care less about this. I became more mindful of my natural surroundings - the colours, sounds, smells, the wonderful trees and wildlife I was dancing around were simply incredible. As the weeks went on I did not worry about the public (and even serenaded a dog-Walker) but became more enchanted by my surroundings.
The nature, the attached and the music allowed me to feel. I cannot quite put into words how this programme has helped to heal the trauma I have experienced. It all allowed me work through what I was feeling and ‘dance it’. Some of the feelings I couldn’t label or explain- I just knew how they felt. I danced through them, with them and danced them out. It helped me regain more stability in my own being. I became energised and uplifted through the dancing and music. The more I danced, the more my soul engaged and the more I was able to regulate my emotions.
Each week I felt less anxious and more ‘in the moment’- living more mindfully. I felt a deep joy in my core when I was dancing, the movement and the positivity cascaded over me in waves. Since my son’s diagnosis and throughout his treatment I have suppressed various emotions and stress. This programme has given me the opportunity to acknowledge and process my feelings. It allowed me to express these feelings and dance them. Acknowledge them and dance them out. Shake them away. Or flow into them. Without knowing it, dance has enabled my to get fit but more importantly focus on myself as a whole and begin a journey of healing of the deepest kind.
Before I began (and really only a short time ago) I felt overwhelmed with life, in a ‘black hole’ that no-one else really knew or understood. Now I feel differently. The group has been like therapy for me. I feel connected to the other ladies in the group too. I felt safe to talk and express myself. To just ‘be’. To hear the music and, as Hannah always said, ‘dance you’ - this was a powerful phrase.
I looked forward to each session- not only for the music and dance but the others in the group. I feel a huge connection to them all. Having like-minded people that were open and shared their experiences too was just magical. It was inclusive and we all felt so supported. I have started to bring dance into my everyday- with my children, on my own. In the kitchen, in the garden. It makes me feel good. I feel in better health, I have more energy, I have lost weight and I feel comfortable in my own skin again. I have a long way to go regarding healing my emotional trauma but dancing is the beginning.
I cannot recommend this programme more. Hannah is an incredible human. She is kind and caring and full of positive light and energy. She listens and understands. She intuitively chooses music tracks that build energy and mood. She guided the group to become more mindful of surroundings but also of how our bodies connect to the earth.
The programme, although in the beginning was to help improve my fitness, had improved my wellbeing, my mindset and my soul. I will be forever grateful.
Thank you Hannah. ‘ - Maree
‘Just wanted to say how much the dance sessions have meant to me. It’s made me more motivated to move and can’t wait for my foot to heal so I can dance some more. It’s wonderful what a supportive space the group is. Very powerful us all coming together. Thank you so much. ‘
‘I saw a post on Facebook about an opportunity to join a group of people to take part in the free-movement dance in the park programme in Hartsholme Park. I thought what a lovely idea, it came at the right time for me as I was and continue to be a carer for my 95 year old mother who's health is declining rapidly. My life was and is basically looking after my mum, increasingly challenging and relentless, somewhat grim!
Joining this group of people for just one hour a week gave me the opportunity to focus on something positive and joyful.
There is something so spiritually uplifting about having the opportunity to dance freely in Nature, I was truly ' in the moment ', all my worries, concerns and problems fell away, I felt free and able to express this freedom through dance.
Thank you Hannah for giving me this opportunity to feel free.’
‘This has been the most amazing experience for me. I've really struggled living in an isolated location with no neighbours/community on my doorstep since moving to Lincolnshire a year ago. This group has improved my fitness as well as my motivation to do other forms of fitness. Has broken up my week (and my day) into more manageable experiences and I feel fitter and happier for it.
The group is incredibly supportive and positive despite everyone going through so many different stressful experiences. We share the highs and lows and I'm extremely lucky to have found it.
Really hoping the group can continue for longer through the winter months.
Many thanks Hannah for all your amazing leads into each session. Without your brilliant approach its hard to imagine how it could work.
Amazing and keep going! ‘ Laura